Tuesday, September 9, 2008

90210 - Week 2

Ok so the hype has slowed and we're off to a good start. Anyone else watching or am I still the only lame-o??

Although based on some conversations I've had this week, this show will probably have some closet fans especially from persons in my age group. For some strange reason they prefer not to admit that they watch teen shows.

Heck if I could my life would be a teen show so I'm swallowing up all the teen dramas I can.


MelZ said...

Naomi is ugly....sorri...

Lovin Silver and Dixon's lil thing.

Annie needs to choose.

Who is the kid's dad??

Where's Brenda??

and Im not closet i down rite like the show.....

Anonymous said...

Silver is just SEXY as HELL!