Barbadian artists have been rolling in opportunities since Rihanna shed the spotlight on the country and this year another artist is hitting the scene.
Meet Jaicko, the 17 year old who has been signed to Capitol Records and is being compared to Chris Brown.
Already known in his home country, Jaicko has been busy recording his debut album since signing with Capitol.
Listen to his first single off that album and tell me what you think.
It's nice..and I'm glad another bajan is getting an opportunity to showcase themselves on the International stage.
However, I'm a little disappointed that the music / song is so similar to what we keep hearing. To my mind without the knowledge that it is him, he will not be distinguishable from the many that proliferate the american airwaves already.
But if this is his time I hope he gets what is due to him. Just my desire to hear something truly original and fresh again...Not another "Chris Brown" so to speak...
Move over Chris Brown!!!
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