Monday, November 24, 2008

AMA Performances

Sasha Fierce had hands down the most energetic performance of the night. That girl works haaarrd for her money and truth be told I can tell the difference between the regular Beyonce and her stage ego Sasha.

Rihanna looked fierce herself but somehow the cosutme didn't quite seem necessary for her Rehab performance. What would have made my night though was if the night's 'Surprise Guest', Justin Timberlake came out to provide backing vocals for her.

What I will say though is that I would have much better preferred if Rihanna had worn her relaxed version of the performance costume to the show rather than the dress that she did wear.

Ne-yo did his own version of Dirty Dancing as her performed a medley of Closer and Miss Independent.

Pink performed her new single Sober while Leona did a very pretty rendition of Better In Time.

Who was your favourite performance for the night??

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