Monday, November 24, 2008

Twilight Part 2 Gets the Green Light

Twilight opened to HUGE numbers this weekend with an opening of $70.6 Million to open at number one.

This opening was so big that it's sequel New Moon is already in the works and stars Rob Pattinson and Kristen Stewart had a message for their fans.

They would be absolutely insane not to make a sequel after the weekend this movie had. It's like Harry Potter all over again. Yes I realise I'm making a lot of HP comparisons but how could you not. The teen consumers have spoken and they want magic and mystery.

Rounding out the top three movies this weekend were Quantum of Solace, No. 2 with $27.4 million, while Miley Cyrus' Disney film, Bolt, claimed third place, with $27 million.

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